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Additional Services


Space Clearing


A space clearing is similar to a clear light healing, only rather than clear the body, I will be clearing the physical space of any negative energy.  The energy from people, objects, and pets can become "stuck" in a space, thereby affecting those who enter it.  Common spaces to be cleared are homes.  Many people need to clear the energy of their new home, so as not to be affected by the old inhabitant's energies, or even newly constructed homes, to clear the energy from those who built the house.  Old homes are often cleared to let new and fresh energy flow freely.  Other common spaces to be cleared include personal offices (vs. an entire office building), classrooms, or stores.


Pet Healings


Pets, just like us, need to receive healings for optimal physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.  And boy, do they love them!  The benefits I have seen from pet healings include pets no longer needing veterinary prescribed medications (or a smaller dosage), enlivened energy, increase in happiness, and general increase of ease in their bodies, especially as they age.  Healings for older pets is especially beneficial because, as our loved critters age, there is often not much that can be done to increase their comfort and wellbeing.  This is where clear light healing comes in handy for the aging pets we adore.



Become a Clear Light Healer!


If you are interested in becoming a Clear Light Healer, please contact me.  I offer classes, workshops, and one on one training sessions. Price varies per the number of people registered.  

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